Did you know that vintage is trendy again? If you are looking for some nice, good quality and VERY CHEEP windsurf board… Spin Out has something for you!
Latest prices on Tabou Da Curve and Fanatic Goya wave boards: STARTING FROM €150!
Several sizes and editions available: from 70 to 85 litres… you have to see it to believe it!
Ask, look, touch and try without any compromise. It could be the occasion you were waiting for to get the board you miss, without breaking the bank. :D
There is no more excuse to stay in port!
For further information call us at (0034) 956 236 352 (every day from 10.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.) or email us at info@tarifaspinout.com
Have a good wind!
Spin Out Team
